Department of Astronomy Center for Radiophysics & Space Research

Cosmology and Astrophysics with Galaxy Clusters

10Thursday, Sep. 10
Daisuke Nagai, Yale University
4:00 pm, 105 Space Sciences Bldg.

Abstract: Galaxy clusters are the largest gravitationally bound objects in the universe, whose formation and evolution are driven by dark energy and dark matter. Recent X-ray and microwave observations have provided unprecedented insights into the structure and evolution of the hot X-ray emitting plasma from their cores to the virialization region in outskirts of galaxy clusters. A number of multi-wavelength cluster surveys are underway to constrain the physics of structure formation and cosmology using galaxy clusters as a probe. In this talk, I will review recent progress and future prospects of cluster astrophysics and cosmology, with highlights on advances and challenges in computational modeling of galaxy cluster formation.

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D Nagai