Department of Astronomy Center for Radiophysics & Space Research

Anti-Glitches, Timing Noise, and Bears, Oh My!

12Wednesday, Feb. 12
Dave Tsang (McGill University)
12:15 PM
622 Space Sciences

I will discuss our recent observations of an anti-glitch in AXP 1E 2259+586 (, the first unambiguous spin-down glitch detected in a pulsar or magnetar, and discuss various interpretations and implications resulting from this observation. I will also discuss our recent analysis of timing noise in high magnetic field pulsars and magnetars (, above B ~10^(12.5) G, where we demonstrated a component of timing noise that scales with magnetic field, and show that this is also reflected in the minimum glitch sizes observed in these objects. We suggest that this may be due to magnetospheric variability, resulting in magnetospheric moment of inertia variations. Bears will only be discussed if time permits.