Department of Astronomy Center for Radiophysics & Space Research

The Maryanne Shelley Jessup MacConochie Colloquium Presents: “Small Planets, Small Stars"

12Thursday, Feb. 12
Dr. Ian Crossfield, Lunar & Planetary Lab., Univ. of Arizona
4:00 pm, 105 Space Sciences Bldg.

Small stars and small planets are ubiquitous in the Galaxy. Planets smaller than ~2.5 Earth radii occur more frequently than any other type of planet; stars with masses below ~0.4 Solar masses are the most common type of star.  Nonetheless we know much less about the formation, evolution, interior composition, atmospheric makeup, and population trends of M dwarf planetary systems than we do for planets orbiting Sunlike stars. I will review our efforts to shed further light on the matter, including my team's large HST survey of transiting super-Earth atmospheres and a search for new, small planets transiting M dwarfs using NASA's new "K2" mission. 

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Planets Under A Red Sun Ian Crossfield