Department of Astronomy Center for Radiophysics & Space Research

Dwarfs Structural Properties: Feedback and Environmental Effects

5Thursday, Mar. 5
Laura V.Sales, The University of California, Riverside
4:00 pm, 105 Space Sciences Bldg.

Reproducing the properties of dwarf galaxies in the field but also as satellites of larger objects often challenges our models of galaxy formation within LCDM. For instance, observations of gas rich dwarfs indicate that they outline a very tight Baryonic Tully Fisher relation despite the large degree of stochasticity apparently needed in their evolution to explain their number density and --arguably-- structure. The formation of gas poor dwarfs is also intriguing, with theoretical models historically
overpredicting the fraction of red satellites around isolated hosts by factors of a few. I will present results from cosmological hydrodynamical simulations that shed light onto such issues, emphasizing the role of stellar feedback and environmental effects in shaping  the evolution of today's dwarf galaxy population.

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Cornell Pic Laura Sales