Department of Astronomy Center for Radiophysics & Space Research

The nature of collapsar jets

27Wednesday, Aug. 27
Omer Bromberg (Princeton)
12:15 PM
622 Space Sciences

The collapsar model explains the connection of long GRBs with dying massive stars. According to this model the GRB jet is formed at the center of a massive star, following it's core collapse. The jet then breaks out of the star and emits the gamma-ray photons far from the star, in an optically thin region. The breakout of the jet leaves a distinctive mark on the duration distribution of GRBs - it is flat at durations shorter than the typical breakout time of the jet. In this talk I will show that such a plateau exists in the duration distribution of all major GRB satellites. I will discuss the implications of this plateau on the composition of collapsar jets and the inferred properties of the progenitor. I will also show how this plateau can be used to better classify collapsar GRBs from non collapsars.