Department of Astronomy Center for Radiophysics & Space Research

Spotlight on Astronomy

Recent Department news and announcements

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Prof Bean elected fellow of APS Thumb

Prof Bean elected fellow of APS

October 20, 2016
Rachel Bean, associate professor of astronomy and director of graduate studies, was elected for her contributions to the understanding of dark energy and her cosmological observations to constrain physics beyond the Standard Model of physics.
Cornell team creates tool to detect molecules in the cosmos Thumb

Cornell team creates tool to detect molecules in the cosmos

September 22, 2016
To find the detailed building blocks of life in the cosmos, a new, third-generation instrument will be placed on NASA’s SOFIA – the airliner-based Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy.
Prof Kaltenegger recipient of the Barrie Jones Award Thumb

Prof Kaltenegger recipient of the Barrie Jones Award

July 1, 2016
Prof. Lisa Kaltenegger has been named the first recipient of the Barrie Jones Award from The Open University (OU), United Kingdom, and the Astrobiology Society of Britain (ASB).
Ask An Astronomer Thumb

Ask An Astronomer

June 22, 2016
Got a question? Ask an Astronomer! Wondering if galaxies can travel away from us faster than the speed of light, or why there are high tides at the full moon? The answers to these and other questions are only a mouse click away at the Ask an Astronomer website.
Relax, it'll be 1,500 years before aliens contact us Thumb

Relax, it'll be 1,500 years before aliens contact us

June 16, 2016
If you’re expecting to hear from aliens from across the universe, it could be a while.
Ocean Worlds of the Outer Solar System: Life as We Know It? Alexander Hayes TEDxCornellTech  Thumb

Ocean Worlds of the Outer Solar System: Life as We Know It? Alexander Hayes TEDxCornellTech

June 9, 2016
Alexander Hayes speaks on Titan on TEDxCornellTech
Alex Hayes to receive Zeldovich Medal Thumb

Alex Hayes to receive Zeldovich Medal

May 26, 2016
Hayes will be presented with the award at the inaugural ceremony of the 41st COSPAR Scientific Assembly on August 1 in Istanbul, Turkey.
Hunting for hidden life on worlds orbiting old, red stars Thumb

Hunting for hidden life on worlds orbiting old, red stars

May 17, 2016
“Habitable Zones of Post-Main Sequence Stars,” will be published May 16 in the Astrophysical Journal.
 Studying comets provides clues to the early history of our solar system  Thumb

Studying comets provides clues to the early history of our solar system

April 12, 2016
“This work illustrates the extraordinary success of the Europan Space Agency’s Rosetta mission, and the importance of cooperation between European and US planetary scientists in general."