About Tom Loredo - Photos

Church friends Rachel and Gabi putting me in my place at a surprise party for my 40th birthday.

Rachel (a different one!), Becca, and Daniel (my sister's best friend's kids; my arch-enemies) trying to bury me alive at Wildwood Crest, NJ, August 2001.

Alex (yet another very cute church friend) distracting me at a church function.

Performing at the Ithaca Festival, June 2001. I try to do it every other year.

With outstanding guitarist and dobro player (and great friend) Josh Pincus at the Willard Straight Hall Coffeehouse at Cornell, in 2001.

Playing (well, trying to play) Phil Keaggy's "Fare thee well" at the Big Red Barn open mic, probably around 1998 (thanks to Dan Switkin for the photo).

Giving one of my bi-annual acoustic guitar amplification workshops at the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance conference; this photo is from Nov 2002.

Performing with fiddler Petra Schwarthoff (she's a "violinist" with everyone else!) at her Ithaca College graduation recital, May 2002.

The Loredos, Mothers Day 2001. I'm the goofy looking one!