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Matter Outflow from Active Galactic Nuclei 
theory & model calculations of the hydrodynamics, radiation transfer and absorption spectra in the UV and X-ray bands

Active galactic nuclei (AGN) and Quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) are some of the most luminous sources in the universe and exhibit a spectacular range of powerful radiation emissions from radio frequencies to gamma rays and even TeV photons for a few sources. This power is believed to be due to matter accretion to a massive black hole in the galactic center. Observations in the UV and X-ray bands of some sources show that powerful outflows exist producing absorption features in these bands; other objects observed in the radio band with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) show the presence of relativistic jets. What is the origin and nature of the matter outflows from these objects? During recent years, new space telescopes have come online (Chandra, XMM, and INTEGRAL in near future), which provides new high quality spectra and images relevant to the problem. Nevertheless, there is still no accepted theory of the outflows, and the connection of the outflows with the radio properties presents a serious problem. 

The main aim of the proposed research is the development of the theory of matter outflows from AGNs and testing it with model calculations of the observed outflows. A good base for this work is the Broad Absorption Line model for QSO emissions worked out by the group of Prof. Vilkoviskiy (Almaty, Kazakhstan). The theory uses radiation-hydrodynamics and the radiation transfer equations for the description of the dynamics of two-phase medium in the outflows. On the other hand, the group of Prof. Lovelace (Cornell, USA) has considerable experience with the theory and simulations of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) origin and propagation of non-relativistic and relativistic outflows from accretion disks. Unification of the Kazakhstan and US approaches will give unified description of the matter outflows from AGNs of different types. Thus we intend to work out the general theory of matter outflows from AGNs -both Quasars and Seyfert galaxies. Comparisons of our theoretical results with observations will demand detailed numerical model calculations. The development of detailed computer codes is possible within our groups because the codes will be an expansions and unification of codes already existing in our groups. 

An important result of this project will be the development and testing of unified theory of the matter outflows from AGNs. This will open new paths to deeper understanding of the physical nature and structure of AGNs.


created by O. Toropina, 2000-2004© 2000-2004
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