1. Neutron stars (pulsars and magnetars): Physical processes in very strong magnetic fields, pulsar kicks
-- The most original work Lai did in this area concerns how strong-field QED
(vacuum birefringence) affects radiative transfer in magnetized neutron star (NS)
atmospheres/plasmas. A representative paper is
Transfer of Polarized Radiation in Strongly Magnetized Plasmas: Effect of Vacuum Polarization
(Lai & Ho 2003 ApJ) (see also
He showed that in highly magnetized plasmas of NSs, the combined effects of plasma and
vacuum polarization gives rise to a "vacuum resonance". A polarized photon traversing the
resonance can convert from one linearly polarized mode into the other,
with dramatic change in photon opacities.
The underlying physics of this mode conversion is analogous to MSW neutrino oscillation
that takes place inside the Sun. In a series of related papers (all with students),
he showed that
this QED-induced photon mode conversion significantly changes the observed thermal
radiation spectrum of magnetars and gives rise to a unique, clean x-ray polarization signature
even for "ordinary" magnetic NSs
Recently (2023), he showed that
the detected polarized X-rays from two magnetars by IXPE are consistent the prediction of
the QED resonance effects
, although more work is needed
(by future x-ray polarimeter space mission like eXTP).
-- Lai has carried out some pioneering first-principle quantum mechanical calculations of atoms,
molecules and condensed matter in strong magnetic fields,
and have studied the magnetic field effects on the property of neutron star surfaces and
interiors and their observational implications
These and related works are reviewed in
L01 and
-- Lai has carried out some pioneering study on neutrino transfer in superstrong magentic fields,
including the effect of parity violation
His theoretical works have helped constrain and elucidate the
physical mechanisms of supernova kicks
The paper CC01
gives a critical assessment of various NS kick mechanisms (still up to date) and
contains the correct calculation of the electromagnetic rocket effect.
2. Accretion processes around magnetic stars and binary stars (and binary black holes)
-- The most original work Lai did in this area is
Magnetically Driven Warping, Precession, and Resonances in Accretion Disks (Lai 1999 ApJ)
, where he showed that inner region of the accretion disk onto a rotating magnetized
star (neutron star, white dwarf, or T Tauri star) is subjected to magnetic torques
that induce warping and precession of the disk. The new magnetic effects provide
a paragidm to explain a number of observatoinal puzzles, ranging from variabilities in
T Tauri stars to quasi-periodic oscillations in accreting neutron stars and white dwarfs.
They may also have implications for the observed stellar obliquities in
(exo)planetary systems (LFL11).
-- In the last few years, Lai (with student and postdoc) initiated a series of
numerical studies on circumbinary accretion (accretion onto binary stars or binary black holes)
These works reveal several new dynamical behaviors (e.g. short and
long-term variabilities) of the accretion process. Most importantly, these works show
that a comparable-mass binary can gain angular momentum via
circumbinary accretion and therefore expands in orbit while accreting
-- this result contradicts decades-old assumptions and previous numerical works
(but has now been confirmed by more recent works from various groups), and significantly
impacts our understanding of the evolution of supermassive black-hole binaries
and the formation of binary stars.
A theoretical paper
elucidates the inclination evolution of disks around eccentric binaries
(some polar-aligned disks were later observed). Here is an
ARAA article.
-- With his postdoc and other collaborators, Lai studied the hydrodynamics of BH binaries embedded in
AGN disks (LL22,
LL23), including
the first study of gas-assisted binary formation
3. Dynamics and formation exoplanetary systems and star-planet interactions
-- With students, Lai carried out comprehensive studies on
the formation of hot Jupiters through high-eccentricity migration via Lidov-Kozai effects
MLL16 and
and "secular chaos" effect
Most significantly, he showed that stellar spin dynamics (often
chaotic) driven by migrating planets plays a crucial role in
determining the observed stellar obliquities
(SAL14 Science,
and developed the corresponding
theory of "spin chaos due to overlapping resonances"
SL17) that explain the
numerical results. A recent work along these lines may provide an explanation for the observed
"perpendicular hot Jupiters"
-- Proposed a new formation mechanism ("low-e migration")
for ultra-short-period planets that explain all key observations of these new class of planets
-- Carried out some pioneering studies on the effects of mass transfer and magnetic interactions
in close-in planet systems
-- Lai has explored several new mechanisms of producing spin-orbit
misalignments in exoplanetary systems, which shed light on the formation and evolution
of these systems: magnetic effect
proto-stellar disk with binary companion
(L14 and
stellar spin-down and spin-orbit resonance
-- Dynamics of planets and disks in binary systems:
ML15 PNAS predicts circumbinaty
planets misaligned with the binary;
ML15 examines disk truncation
by binary companion,
FL14 and
study eccentric and warped disks in binaries,
explains polar-aligned disks.
-- Dynamical influences of external companions/planets on the inner multi-planet systems:
The effects of stellar flybys:
-- Planetary obliquities:
LL20 and
calculated spin and onliquity from planet-planet collisions and derived the relevant scaling
three recent papers made progress on the classical problem of "Colombo's top", including
analytical calculation of transition probability in separatrox crossing:
studied the generation of obliquity from planet-disk interaction,
studied tidal-Cassini equilibiria (tides do not erase obliquity),
and SL22b
discovered new "mix-mode" Cassini equilibria. These works are relevant to
the spin obliquities of super-Earths and have implications for the future observations of these objects.
-- Origin of planets and debris around white dwarfs:
4. Sources of Gravitational Waves
-- Lai has made original contributions to the understanding of
hydrodynamical processes in coalescing neutron star binaries:
he gave the first complete analytic expression of
gravitational wave (GW) phase shift due to
static tides (LRS94)
and discovered the related tidal instability
-- these can be used to constrain the tidal deformability and equation of state
of neutron stars using GWs;
he pioneered the study of resonant tides and tidal heating
and magnetic effect
in merging NS binaries.
-- Lai showed that young neutron stars undergoing nonlinear bar-mode instability produces
a unique, characteristic gravitational waveform
-- Since the detection of GWs by LIGO, Lai has studied dynamical formation of binary black
holes ("tertiary-induced mergers"), examining the signatures of spin-orbit misalignments
new GR effects in triples
and hierarchical mergers
With students, Lai studied the formation and merger of BH binaries due to GW bremsstrahlung in AGN disks
Several recent works examine the hydrodynamical evolution of BH binaries in AGN disks
Other significant Contributions:
-- With student, Lai has studied dynamical tides in compact binary white dwarfs
(FL12), heartbeat stars
and highly eccentric binaries
A recent work elucidates the dynamics of "chaotic tides"
-- Lai developed the theory of corotational excitation of global oscillations of accretion
disks around black holes in an attempt to understand QPOs
-- while the theory is beautiful (GR really makes the mode grow),
he could not be sure this is "the" explanation of QPOs
alas, BH accretion disks are messy...).
-- On Solar system subjects, Lai suggested "mode mixing" ("avoided crossing")
mechansim to explain the small frequency splitting of Saturn's oscillation modes
-- this idea was pushed forward by others to include the stratification effect
(see DMFLX21),
computed Sun's obliquity generated by putative Planet 9
(L16), and developed
an efficient method to compute Jupiter's dynamical Love number
publication pdf ;
see also
astro-ph arXiv for papers online. Here is
an (old) research bio sketch.
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